banking level中文什么意思

发音:   用"banking level"造句
  • banking:    n. 银行业;银行学;金融。
  • level:    n. 1.水平仪,水准仪;水准测量。 ...
  • banking:     banking1 n. ...
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  1. At the individual bank level , we also issue supervisory guidance on the prudent running of banking business and examine the adequacy of risk management systems that promote such conduct
  2. Further , when at the individual bank level we initiate supervisory action of whatever nature , we meet a degree of frankness and openness that is very conducive to the resolution of issues , hopefully , before they intensify to a stage affecting confidence in that bank and therefore in the banking system
  3. Combined with a maturity mismatch on the bank ’ s balance sheet , this give rise to a bank capital channel by which monetary policy affects bank lending through its impact on bank capital . in the third part , bank level empirical data in china are investigated
    银行信贷渠道分为资产负债表渠道和银行贷款渠道,其中紧缩货币政策下,银行贷款渠道的传导路径是紧缩性货币政策(改变银行准备金)银行贷款利率投资需求产出gdp ,反之则相反。


  1. banking interface 什么意思
  2. banking intermediary business 什么意思
  3. banking law 什么意思
  4. banking laws 什么意思
  5. banking legislation 什么意思
  6. banking licence 什么意思
  7. banking licenses 什么意思
  8. banking loss 什么意思
  9. banking losses 什么意思
  10. banking machine 什么意思


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